potty training #3! Although most of my days are spent running to and from the bathroom, I have to say that I am having so much fun this time. For some reason, potty training Perry has been so less stressful than the other two were. I just think that I am a lot more laid back this time and I am letting him lead me. He is doing great at home but for some reason when I put pants on him to leave the house he thinks that he can then pee in his pants, so we are working on that one. Today we went through 3 pairs of pants and underwear as I was trying to run a few errands after dropping off Kaden and Emerson at school. What also makes it so much easier this time is that I have 2 helpers that are always willing to take Perry to the bathroom or go get me ANOTHER pair of underwear.
The sticker chart that Kaden made for Perry on his own and placed on the refrigerator. He told Perry that if he filled up the entire chart that he would give him ice cream:)
Yesterday Perry wanted both Kaden and Emmy to hold his hands EVERY time he went to the bathroom. Luckily there is enough room in our bathroom for all of us!