Sunday, October 19, 2008

20 Things that I LOVE about Fall

1. All of the beautiful colors on the trees
2. Picking apples
3. Making all sorts of yummy things with the apples (apple pies, apple crisp, caramel apples)
4. Pumpkin Spice Lattes
5. Wearing cozy sweaters again
6. Raking leaves to jump in
7. Mums
8. All of the cute fall themed decorating
9. Crisp, clean air
10. Picking pumpkins at a pumpkin patch
11. Carving the pumpkins
12. Apple Cider
13. Cooking and eating comfort food
14. My kids birthdays
15. Flannel sheets
16. Football
17. Pumpkin Flavored Beer
18. Robinette's Doughnuts
19. Taking cute pictures of the kids
20. Family

1 comment:

ksoet said...

Love the pumpkin pictures - Where did you get Perry's sweater? I love it! Hope you don't mind that I visited the cutest blog site. Like your choice the best, & I loved finding all of those cute options!