Friday, November 14, 2008

Our Little Lady

Emerson had her "Ladybug Birthday Party" today. Everyone had a lot of fun and enjoyed all of the ladybugness! I am so glad that it is over so that I can relax now (at least until her family birthday party on Sunday that I still have to figure out with I am making).

Emmy and her ladybug cupcakes
It was Emmy's friend Alli's birthday today, so we sang to both of them.

Everyone enjoying their cupcakes and ladybug apples. You would be amazed what you can make look like a ladybug!

Three cute little ladybugs! For favors, I made ladybug antennas for everyone. I also made ladybug beanbags, magnets, and lollipops. It was a lot of fun crafting all of the things for the party but I have to admit that I won't mind if I don't see anything with ladybugs for awhile.

Emmy opening her presents


ksoet said...

great party! the kids LOVE their ladybug haul & I have decided that you are Lindsey's photographer - I haven't had 2 good smiles like you've gotten this week in months. Print them for me & I'll be your best friend! Can you print that super cute one of Emmy & her lady bug cupcakes for my page too? It was all TOO cute - even if they won't remember, we will! Great job- Shoudl the next party have 30 theme....

Lauren Rue said...

I'd love if you used that family tradition. It is such an easy way to make a child feel so special. Cameron got some presents from her nana today and included was the same dollhouse that emmy got. Funny, isn't it? Have a great week!