Thursday, December 18, 2008

Christmas at the Club

Every year my grandparents take us to Cascade Country Club to visit Santa. Some years the kids love Santa, other years the kids aren't so fond of him. This was one of those years. Perry was the only one that probably would have liked him but he was sleeping, so he didn't even get a chance to sit on his lap. Emmy was crying in the corner of the room and we finally got her over when we promised that she did not have to sit on his lap. Guess we won't get that family picture with Santa this year!
The kids were really good this year sitting at their end of the table (or maybe it was just because I wasn't sitting right in the middle of them like I usually am)
Perry enjoying his snacks

Chris and Emmy with her new polar bear that she received from Santa even though she didn't sit on his lap.

Yes, a family picture!! And one that is actually Christmas card worthy!!

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