Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Can Barack Obama come to my house and play?

Ever since Barack Obama announced that he was running for President, my kids have been obsessed with him. Chris and I don't really talk about politics much, so I am not exactly sure where they got their enthusiasm for him. Both Emmy and Kaden run around the house saying and singing his name all of the time. After our play date this morning and Kaden went to school, Emmy and I sat down and watched the inauguration. After watching for awhile, Emmy asked me if Barack Obama could come over to our house and play with her! Emmy has a history of having "friends" that she sees on TV. If you ask her, one of her best friends is "Smucker" the little boy from the Smuckers jelly commercials. Every time she sees the commercial, she says, "Smucker is my friend." She has asked on many occasions if "Smucker" could come over and play with her.

1 comment:

Renee said...

Kelsey wanted to know if she could go to the White House and play with Sasha and Melia...she was completely engrossed with everything on tv yesterday too!