Thursday, September 10, 2009

First Day Jitters

Yesterday was Kaden's first day of Kindergarten and Emmy's first day of preschool. Kaden started at Orchard View for kindergarten this year. He goes to school all day Monday & Wednesday and for a 1/2 day on Friday morning. Emmy goes to preschool Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings. I am so excited about their schedule this year b/c I get to spend some time with just Perry and on Tuesday's and Thursday we can do whatever we want. We had to drop Emmy off first at preschool and she did GREAT! We couldn't stay long b/c we had to get Kaden off to his first day. After I helped her put her things away, I gave her a kiss and said goodbye. There were no tears! When I picked her up, she said that she loved school and that she was such a big girl b/c she didn't even cry.

When we went to drop Kaden off at school, it didn't go quite as smoothly. On the drive over, he told us he was a little nervous. When we got there we helped put his things away and the teacher called them all over to the "cozy corner". I didn't really get a chance to say goodbye, so I just got his attention and waved goodbye. As soon as I did that, Kaden came running over to me and started crying. He was just clinging to me. Luckily the aide saw what was happening and came over to him. I backed out of the classroom w/ tears in my eyes. Chris was with me which helped me hold it together. Of course when I picked him up, he said that he had a great day and that he is so glad that he is in kindergarten. It was a really long day having him at school for the entire day. But thankfully I get to spend all day Tuesday and Thursday with him!

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