Monday, May 11, 2009

All dressed up and fancy!

I had the privilege of accompanying Emmy to a Fancy Nancy party this Saturday at the library. If you are not familiar with Fancy Nancy, they are Emerson's favorite children's book. The books are about a little girl that is always trying to be fancy, whether it is with the way she dresses or the words she uses. Emmy and I dressed up very fancy to attend the party.

Emerson drinking a fancy drink
Practicing her fancy walking

Emerson with her playgroup buddies Campbell and Reese

They look very "posh" as Fancy Nancy would say.

We had a great time at the party and it was fun spending some one on one time with Emerson. I am thinking that we might have to plan a Fancy Nancy birthday party for Emmy's 4th birthday.

1 comment:

Rachel Hammond said...

we went to this too...didn't they do a good job? Madi loved it!!