Friday, May 29, 2009

Better late than never

Sorry for being such a bad blogger lately. I have had lots of things to post but I just haven't gotten around to it. I have been busy running with a great group of girls, getting ready for our MOMS club annual sale, and spending any free time I have sewing. Unfortunately I haven't had a lot of free time lately because Perry has decided that he longer likes to take long naps and also that I am his personal walking assistant so that he can get around the house. The only thing he wants to do lately is walk holding somebodies hand. He seems so frustrated that he can't get around on his own. I am definitely ready for him to be over this stage and for all of the yelling to stop. I was glad that this past weekend was a holiday weekend with an extra day so that I had some help.

Chris was in Holland last Thursday for a meeting, so the kids and I met him out there. After a very stressful trip to the gap outlet with the 3 kiddos, we went to Boatworks for dinner. It was so nice to sit on the patio and eat for the first time this year. Bring on summer, I can't wait for more sunny days.
We spent Sunday and Monday out in Spring Lake. We had a great time boating on Sunday and then just hanging out and grilling on Monday.

Emmy modeling one of the dresses that I made for her. I just realized that Perry isn't in any of these pictures. He was there too! He tried his first slice of watermelon and enjoyed spending lots of time outside.


Melissa Mooradian Photography said...

LOVE the dress you made! Was it difficult?

ksoet said...

Love the "Perry was there too" comment - I know how hard it canbe to capture all 3! CAll me soon so I can spill about my Booty Camp adventure!

Nethercots said...

Beautiful dress Amber! I've fallen way behind on posting too! Oops!

Lauren Rue said...

Such a cute dress!! Where did you get the pattern?

Elizabeth @claritychaos said...

oooh! cute dress. kind of makes we wish I had a little girl to put in it! :)

- elizabeth