Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Perry is 10 months!

Perry is 10 months old today! It is hard to believe in 2 more months my baby will be one! Not much has changed in this last month. He is doing a lot better standing up and playing. He still hates being on his stomach, which makes it very difficult to learn how to crawl. He is eating a lot more finger foods but still lets me feed him too. He favorite activities are throwing things, especially from his high chair and playing peekaboo. We are still waiting for his first tooth to poke through. He has been a lot fussier lately, so it will probably be any day.

Make sure you click on the video of Perry below. He has so much fun in his jumper. I was finally able to capture it on video. Next month we will be celebrating Perry turning eleven months in Florida!


Melissa Mooradian Photography said...

I can't believe Perry doesn't have any teeth yet! He is looking more and more like you cute!

ksoet said...

the bouncer footage is great!