Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Tag, I'm it!

My friend Melissa tagged me, so here ya go!

4 Things I Did Today
-Helped Kaden get things together for his share bag for school
-Listed some of my baby things for sale on craigslist :(
-Made a pumpkin craft with Emmy
-Made goody bags for Kaden's harvest party on Friday

4 Things On My To Do List
-Carve pumpkins tonight
-Find something for Perry to wear for his 6 month pics on Monday
-All sorts of ladybug crafts for Emmy's b-day party
-Organize the kids toys (this never seems to make it off of my to-do list)

4 Of My Guiltiest Pleasures
-Doing random crafts
-Reading other peoples Blog’s
-Buying things on etsy
-Fountin pop (diet coke)

4 Random Facts About Me
- I love getting the kids pictures taken (I would get them done every couple of months if we could afford it). I am thinking of investing in a nicer camera to start taking the pictures myself.
-I have lived in Grand Rapids since I moved here when I was a baby (I know -not very exciting! I just love my family too much to move away)
-We are trying to sell our house
-Emerson and my aunts son, Grayson were born on the same day. Char and I had hospital rooms right next to each other.
Now—- Tag, you’re it!

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